Please contact us if you think your development may be within permitted Development because there are many varying rules attached to permtted development that may alter if it is or not, they are not all listed below so if in doubt ask us or your local planning authority.
The information within this page or its links is for a guide only and should not be used independent of architecturals advice and services on site or after consultations, even with permitted development you still will probably require Building Regulations Approval.
You can make certain types of minor changes to your house without needing to apply for planning permission. These are called "permitted development rights" and are described below.
Class A - extensions
Class B - covers enlargement of houses through alterations or additions to the roof
Class C - covers other alterations to the roof of a house.
Class D - A Porch
They derive from a general planning permission granted not by the local authority but by Parliament. Bear in mind that the permitted development rights which apply to many common projects for houses do not apply to flats, maisonettes or other buildings.
In some areas of the country, known generally as 'designated areas', permitted development rights are more restricted. If you live in a Conservation Area, a National Park, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or the Norfolk or Suffolk Broads, you will need to apply for planning permission for certain types of work which do not need an application in other areas.
There are also different requirements if the property is a listed building.
You should also note that the local planning authority may have removed some of your permitted development rights by issuing an Article 4 direction. This will mean that you have to submit a planning application for work which normally does not need one.
Article 4 directions are made when the character of an area of acknowledged importance would be threatened. They are most common in conservation areas. You will probably know if your property is affected by such a direction, but you can check with the local planning authority if you are not sure.
NOTE: Houses created through permitted development rights to change use from shops, financial and professional services premises or agricultural buildings cannot use householder permitted development rights to improve, alter or extend homes: planning permission is required.
To see a general guide to each area for home owner permitted developmet please click one of the links below. The information within the links is for a guide only and should not be used independent of architecturals advice and services on site or after consultations, even with permitted development you still will probably require Building Regulations Approval.
Class A - extensions
Class B - covers enlargement of houses through alterations or additions to the roof
Class C - covers other alterations to the roof of a house.
Class D - A Porch