Please note only a few basic allowences are included below and those are subject to additional rules so please check with us or your local Planning Authority
Class A alterations are subject that the materials used in any exterior work (other than materials used in the construction of a conservatory) shall be of a similar appearance to those used in the
construction of the exterior of the existing dwellinghouse
Extensions (including previous extensions) and other buildings must not exceed 50% of the “curtilage.
- The 50% limit covers all buildings so will include existing and proposed outbuildings as well as any existing or proposed new extensions to a house. It will exclude the area covered
by the house itself but will include any separate detached buildings built prior to 1948 (eg a detached garage).
- Any enlargement, improvement, or alteration to a house must not exceed the height of the highest part of the roof of the existing house. If it does, an application for planning permission
will be required.
- The height of the eaves of the part of the dwellinghouse enlarged, improved or altered would not exceed the height of the eaves of the existing dwellinghouse.
- Any development to enlarge a dwelling house that is in front of a principal or side wall that fronts a highway will require an application for planning permission, If a house lies on a corner
plot where a side elevation also fronts a highway, there will be an additional restriction on permitted development to the side of the house.
- A single-storey extension must not extend beyond the rear of the original house by more than four metres if a detached house, or by more than three metres in any other case. In both cases,
the total height of the extension must not be more than 4 metres. The rear wall or walls of a house will be those which are directly opposite the front of the house - From 30 May 2013 until 30
May 2016 a single-storey extension can be larger than allowed however it must not extend beyond the rear of the original house by more than eight metres if a detached house, or by more than six
metres in any other case. These larger extensions are not allowed for dwellinghouses on article 1(5) land or on a site of special scientific interest. The height restriction remains the
same: the extension must not be more than 4 metres high. The rear wall or walls of a house will be those which are directly opposite the front of the house. It remains the case that
development is not permitted if, as a result of the works, the total area of ground covered by extensions and other buildings within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse would exceed 50% of the
curtilage of the original dwellinghouse excluding the ground area of the original dwellinghouse, these larger extensions are subject to a neighbour consultation scheme for the impact of the
proposed development on the amenity of their property. Householders wishing to build a larger extension have to notify the local planning authority about the proposed extension and the local planning
authority must give adjoining neighbours notice of the proposals and the opportunity to object. Works cannot commence until the local planning authority notifies the householder that no prior
approval is required, or gives prior approval, or 42 days have passed without any decision by the local planning authority.
- The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would not have more than one storey.
- The enlarged part of the dwellinghouse would not be within 2 metres of the boundary of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse, and the height of the eaves of the enlarged part would not exceed 3
- Verandas, balconies and raised platforms are not permitted development and will require planning permission. A “Juliet” balcony, where there is no platform and therefore no external access
would normally be permitted development.